Green power or green energy is classified as the generation of electricity or heat making use of the sources that have minimum carbon footprint. Our planet is constantly getting damaged due to the adverse effects of greenhouse gas emission, solid and liquid pollutants, fuel waste and other toxins. This is the reason there is a growing need of finding the ways in which one can make use of the renewable energy sources to meet the energy demands of the world.
This is what the 'green power' focuses at; selecting the solutions that are natural and renewable and are not inclined to getting used up or exhausted. The planet will run out of its deposits of coal and oil, but it cannot run of out wind or sunlight. This is the reason; there is a demand to shift the energy production towards green power, in order to develop sustainable solutions for energy needs. The popularity and awareness of green power is increasing throughout the world and research is being conducted regarding the issue.
One of the major sources of renewable energy is the solar energy. The rays from the sun can be used not only to produce heat energy, but electricity as well. As a fact, sunlight received in one hour is more than sufficient to provide for energy needs of the collective population of the planet, for a year. The popularity of the solar energy is on the rise and many offices and the homes have installed the solar panels to become energy efficient.
Another form of the renewable source of energy is the wind. The power of the wind can be transformed into energy, making use of the machines called turbines. The turbines need to be installed in the open areas, which is why they often receive criticism despite their effectiveness. The scenic landscapes are often impaired with the installation of the turbines and they also generate noise when operating. Another major source of green power is the hydro-electric energy, which makes use of water to spin a turbine and create power. Other forms of the green power sources include;
As the name suggests, this type of energy is obtained through the heat generated in the earth's core. Since this is a continuous process that takes place in the center of the earth, the chances of running out of geothermal energy are minimal. This heat from the earth's core can be recovered as steam and be used to heat buildings or produce electricity.
Biomass energy
The biomass energy on the other hand is obtained from elements like plants, waste and alcohol. This energy too can be used to generate electricity or heat.
Here in this article you will learn about green power and geothermal energy.
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